
Week Four Blog Prompt

The letter written to the Education Minister, Mr Heng, was pretty impressive to me personally. First of all, the fact the teenager, Janelle Lee, had the courage to write to someone of such a high status impresses me already. She mentioned a couple of key subjects that many students in Singapore also have but do not have the guts to write a letter to the Minister himself. However, I do not totally agree with one of her points, that is the point that student these days do not ask, 'Why?' With the technology advancement today, students can simply go on the net and search for the answers on their own. So why bother someone else when the answers are already available on the worldwide web? However, maybe a handful may only go ask teachers or parents for more information that they could not find, or maybe just a better understanding of it or more in depth information in simple English. Whatever the case, I believe that students these days have not stop asking, 'Why?'

Her tone in the open letter was rather casual. I think that probably she told that no one would actually read it and furthermore, that it would not be made public. Maybe it was just her way of expressing her unsatisfactory of the education system, with some points she recommends to improve the whole system. However, she said that 'As a Secondary Four student, I experience first-hand the ugliness of the flaws the education system has'. This sounds as if she is saying that there are no good points about the education system. This is the system that made many Singaporeans top scholars, made them create companies that may be leading the industry in the world, this is the system that made students in Singapore who they are including Janelle herself and all she see are flaws in the Education system? I beg to differ.

If I were to write a letter to the Education Minister, I would mention that teachers should give us more practical than just notes and worksheet, as most students would remember better through first-hand account. I would also include the fact that tests and examinations pose a too big importance in the system as only when it comes to the tests and exams, the students will then rush to memorise and revise all that has been learnt just because they were told that these were going to determine where they would be going in future, what they would be doing and who they are.

Week Three Blog Prompt

Money, money, money. A saying goes, 'Money makes the world go round', but is this actually true? I personally have absolutely no idea. Money is indeed a big deal in our current lives and without money, there's nothing you can get and nothing you can do.
What about money and marriage? In the past, the Chinese would put up their daughters in for a 'transaction'. In this 'transaction', the groom has to give the bride's family a certain amount of money or something that has some sort of value in exchange for the bride's hand in marriage. In these cases, money is indeed involved but some may consider this as a sort of custom rather than greed over money since it has already happened for hundreds of years in China.

In the present context, this Chinese tradition still exists and some families having a low income, would find the more wealthy families to marry their daughter off. However, this is not as simply as in the olden days as the youngsters wants their own say and would not marry to someone for the rest of her life just because the family wants that little bit more money.

Is there an upward trend in relationships and marriages because of money? I really do not think so. This is because, nowadays, women can also be independent and be out there working along side the men. They can even support a family alone, so why would they want to marry because of money since they already have money. Personally, I think that people marry to one another is simply because of love, the simple yet complicated and subjective, topic.


Week Two Blog Prompt

Difference between war in the past and war in the present has changed quite drastically. In the past, war was fought using nothing other than hands. Then, Man became smarter and used the things around us to create items, they created weapons such as using the branches and trunks from trees to create spears, wooden swords and perhaps clubs. After the discovery of metal, Man used it to arm them with the weapons they previously created to make them even more dangerous, causes more damage and more effective in killing enemies.

To make things worse, Man found that the use of combustion is effective in making things move at high speeds to penetrate things and the human body, and the gun was invented. The gun has changed umpteen times and changed the way we fight. From the close range fist-fight to now, long range shooting, this changed all in the name of efficiency and effectiveness. Make types of handheld guns exists including machine guns, sniper rifles and pistols. All have different types of uses but all lead to a common goal, to kill.

Land combat was still not enough for the human race. We invented fighter jets, submarines and ships to have more control over what's mine and theirs'. Altogether, the human, weapons, guns were placed together into one common thing, a fighter jet or the ship, all add up to make a deadly combination.

All in all, we can safely say that the way we fight in battles today have vastly changed since the time of the stone age.

Week One Blog Prompt

I think National Service in Singapore is compulsory because every men in Singapore should have that chance to show their patriotism and love for the country they live in, Singapore. It is important because in the world we live in today, there are so many threats, especially terrorist threats. Since the 9/11 incident that happened to the United States of America in the year 2001, every country in the world has stepped up security measures to prevent such horrible incidents from happening in their country and even if they are unable to prevent such incidents, they would be able to respond quickly enough to catch the culprits, save the victims and assure everyone that it is save once again. Singapore being Singapore, we have faced couple of threats. The one that most people would remember is the plane hijack done by Mas Selamat bin Kastari, the leader of terrorist group, Jemaah Islamiah. After his escape from the Whitley Road Detention Centre, the Singapore Arm Forces, Singapore Navy as well as the Singapore Police Force were deployed. These men went through the National Service and came out as fit young soldiers and policemen, and in times of need, they will be sent out for task in order to keep Singapore safe. That's my explanation for why we have National Service compulsory in Singapore.

Do I think I am patriotic to Singapore? Personally, I have absolutely no idea. I can't say that I am patriotic at times because I really hate somethings on the island. Yet, I cannot say that I am not patriotic towards Singapore because I do indeed like or even love things in Singapore. So it's actually quite contradicting.