


  1. Hello Jun Yi! I think your story may start out to be a oversea holiday to America where you and your friends were going for rock climbing. It may turn out that one of you almost fell off the cliff or maybe you and your friends had lots of fun after the trip. It could be a tragedy or happy ending, depending on how you are going to develop your story. However, I thought you were supposed to provide the setting too? That may give us some hint in guessing the story which is going to turn out.

  2. Hmmmm... I can only say that the story can be linked to either a tragic ending or a happy one, just like what Wen Feng has said. By seeing these mountains, I can only say that this story is something closely linked to mountain climbing. From here, we all know the risks of it and just maybe, your story is linked to the dangers experienced in the rocky mountains.
    Jack Tan 2O307

  3. Hi jun yi i think your story might turn out to be one of a group of people looking for an ancient treasure with people dying along the way in this treacherous journey

  4. Hi Jun Yi I think your story might be along the lines of an Indiana Jones type adventure?

  5. Wen Feng, Jack and Sean are somewhat correct. Hui Sheng's guess is rather far-fetched. This is an overseas mountain climbing trip. However, it is not just at any mountains or canyons. It is at the Grand Canyon, located at Arizona, USA. It is obvious an offence to climb one of the Great Wonders of the World. We were caught red-handed by an overflying helicopter. We are reported to the authorities and they had conducted a search of the canyon. We of course did not want to be jailed and went hiding. This is the plot of my setting.

  6. Hey Jun Yi, this was just what i had expected. However, I did not think of the part in which you would get into trouble with the authorities and going into hiding and evading them in order to avoid any trouble. This is definitely a very creative storyline and is quite adventurous at the same time. What I was anticipating was conquering the heights of the Grand Canyon in an overseas trip to the US, your storyline has not let me down nonetheless :)
