
Home Learning 24/1/2011 - Comic Strip

- Why did you choose the different pictures or background(s)?
The backgrounds are mostly the same except for one. This is because I feel that when I think about books, the first few things that comes to mind is the library, school and the classroom. Thus the backgrounds of this comic have a background that looks like a classroom.

- How do they contribute to the elements (plot, setting, characterization) of your narrative?
They contribute quite a lot because like as I said in the previous question, its seems like a library at the back. At libraries, there are many books and you cant just judge all of them by their cover, just like the one in the comic strip. Thus I feel that the background is absolutely relevant and helps contribution to the elements of the comic.

- How did you make use of the different elements to contribute to the theme you have chosen?
The theme that I have chosen is, 'Don't Judge a book by its cover'. In the first box, we have a bear who saw a Harry Potter book and that it was boring, weird and no nice at all to read just by looking at the cover page because he sees a nerdy young boy. However, he still read the book and in the end, he enjoyed it, as well as hundreds of millions of fans around the globe!



  1. Simple but interesting and funny comic! I like the bear as he is very cute and your whole story line promotes a saying- never judge a book by its cover. Good work! Visit my blog at when you are free. Thanks!

  2. Nice! I like the fact that you did not just create cartoons and backgrounds to put in your comic. You even use pictures! Very nice! And you even used the fact of our daily lives in it! I mean, a lot of people really think Harry Potter is nerdy, so there! It makes more sense when you use it in your comic. And oh yeah, not to forget, hahahahaha! Your comic is hilarious! Keep up the good work!

  3. Yes, this is a rather simple theme you have in your comics. But in actual fact, they happen in our lives a lot of times such that we don't really put it in high regard. We must always have the courage to try out new things, and not jump to conclusions and make false assumptions. Good job!
    Jack Tan 2O307

  4. Well I though I think your comic does convey what it set out to do but you could make it more interesting.

  5. Where are all your posts? Why are you lagging behind in all your work? You have a lot of catching up to do!!!!!!! Pull your socks up!!

  6. I find this post hilarious as this occurrence is quite common. A good comic is one that is able to poke fun at the every day happenings of our daily lives. Your comic has reflected this clearly and effectively.
